Worship with Us!
Our worship services reflect the diversity of our community as well as the unity of the Body of Jesus. Our worship service utilizes historic and contemporary forms of music as resources for intergenerational connection. The worship service aims commend the works of God from one generation to another, affirming the necessity and centrality of the gospel for all of life.
In our worship services at BGCC we strive to integrate the values and goals that our worship be:
God is the One "who made heaven and earth." He lavishly pours out all good gifts to humanity, ultimately and supremely expressed through Jesus Christ and confirmed by the indwelling Holy Spirit. The Worship Arts Ministry assists people in glorifying and praising God, in deepening Christian faith and in bearing divine witness through music, art, drama, technology and media in the context of our worshiping community.
God commands and enables the church to worship him. There are many elements in the worship of God, including the preaching of his Word, the administering of the sacraments of baptism and communion, prayer, creeds, testimonies and music. Our services desire to bring glory to God, to build up the church and bear witness to the Good News of Jesus Christ. Our blended worship format accommodate cultural distinctions while maintaining integrity and priority to the Scriptures and the leading of the Holy Spirit. |